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About us

Footprints Community Care are a short term support service for individuals aged 18+ who fall into crisis and need support that other community settings aren't able to provide. As a service, we are passionate about reducing unnecessary and inappropriate hospital admissions, which often causes further trauma to the individual. We believe that every individual regardless of abilities should be given access to the appropriate and correct support when crisis occurs.

Our model of care 

Footprints model of care reflects and incorporates person centered care. Each individual will be enabled and supported to be involved in every aspect of their care delivery including the use of positive risk taking and striving to their own goals and aspirations. Where there is an assessed lack of capacity the service users thoughts wishes and wants will continue to be included through best interests; providing choice and control. 


Community inclusion within society can often be limited; we want to deliver community inclusion to support and enable individuals to become an active part of their community. 


We aim to deliver innovative support that "thinks outside the box" to adapt support strategies as everyone is unique and has individual needs and needs  different approach with their support.


We feel that understanding why behaviour which may challenge allows us to better understand how to deliver the individuals support through adopting positive behaviour support principles and support plans to increase and better the individuals quality of life.


Family and any other important person involved with the service users life will be appropriately encouraged to be involved with care planning and important decisions about their life. 


Multidisciplinary working with other professionals will be incorporated within the delivery of care and reviewing of the service users care and support needs through weekly multi disciplinary reviews and planning. The review process allows our team to assess and work with the individual, working towards a final transition plan that will support the individual into their next placement, with out ongoing support for up to 6 weeks following this transitions to support the success of the placement transition, avoiding further placement breakdowns. 


We feel that this support and assessment process would likely take a minimum of 9 weeks, but understand that this might be longer depending on the individuals needs.



Crisis > Support > Assessment > Growth > Transition


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