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Our Staff Team and Training


Quality training will be provided to all staff members  providing direct support to individuals which will be delivered through e -learning and face to face training. As our service users needs can be complex and can change we will continue to review and source further training to ensure the staff team is fully competent with care delivery. 


Personal developments of interests or learning needs will be provided for staff members and reviewed through regular supervision. 


We focus on empowering each person to reach their potential, whether it be our staff or the individuals they are supporting.


Our ethos requires staff to understand the difference between ‘care’ and ‘support’. ‘Support’ involves the person in the process of making a cup of tea, regardless of their complexities - rather than simply making it for them. This is an empowerment process, giving even the most complex individual greater ownership over their life.


Staff need to be proactive, with a high degree of self awareness and understand the importance of things that might otherwise be considered mundane.


All staff are linked into our online care planning  accessed through electrical devices. It facilitates the delivery of meaningful care and support, which is a comple

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